Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/50

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A word divine! Upon a Cross
'Twas hallowed evermore;
A word that surely bringeth peace,
When human hearts are sore.

Forgive! A simple word—and yet
So hard, so hard to say;
When one is grieved, misunderstood,
The sorrow clouds our day.

Thou shouldst forgive, "till seven times"
What hath the Saviour said?
"How oft has He forgiven thee?"
Ask this, O soul, instead.

To-day alone is thine;
The past is thine no more;
What joy or grief thou mayst not know
The morrows hold in store.

To-day is thine to serve;
Christ's vineyard ready stands
Wherein thou mayst in every hour
Obey His least commands.

To-day the strength is given;
Sought, 'twill sufficient be;
For past regret, for griefs to come,
'Twas never promised thee.