Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/58

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Through them to live again!
For hopes of joys to be
With trustful souls remain
    And ease their pain.

(Jeremiah 1-7)

How much it says! this little word;
'Tis fraught with meaning true;
And yet, how oft I pass it o'er
In all I say or do.

The Father in His blessed Word,
In giving a command,
Repeats it as to me He speaks,—
Shall I not understand?

"On whatsoever errand sent
'Tis thither thou shouldst go;
Or whatsoever I thee tell
Let others also know."

In mine own way I think to serve;
Is not my wisdom nought?
Whene'er my life well spent would be
God's will must first be sought.

In whatsoe'er I do, His praise,
His praise in all I say,
And then—a peace beyond all ken
That shall not pass away.