Page:Poems Coolidge.djvu/91

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I need not sink. nor need I fail,
Though weary oft be heart and brain;
It is for Christ my strength is spent.
His "inasmuch" makes brave again.

I need alone to know that I,
A servant, as my Lord may be;
As was His life, can also mine
Be one of blessèd ministry.

Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward. —Ex. xiv. 15

The promised land to every soul
Far in the distance gleams;
Go forward, then, nor halting wait.
Dream thou no idle dreams.

While yet 'tis flay, still forward go,
Keep thou thine armor bright;
Whose time is spent in vain regret
Shall never win the fight.

A trustful prayer will lighten care
For every tired heart;
And though the burden still may press,
New strength will faith impart;
Through busy hours is echoed still
  The soft "Amen" we say;
God's love is near, dispelling fear,
  Alway, alway.