Page:Poems Craik.djvu/163

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"I said to my little son, who was watching tearfully a tree he had planted,—'Let it alone: it will grow while you are sleeping.'"

PLANT it safe and sure, my child,
Then cease watching and cease weeping;
You have done your utmost part:
Leave it with a quiet heart:
It will grow while you are sleeping.

"But, O father," says the child,
With a troubled face up-creeping,
"How can I but think and grieve
When the fierce wind comes at eve
Tearing it—and I lie sleeping!

"I have loved my young tree so!
In each bud seen leaf and floweret,
Watered it each day with prayers,
Guarded it with many cares,
Lest some canker should devour it.

"O good father," sobs the child,.
"If I come in summer's shining