Page:Poems Craik.djvu/165

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"Plant it—all thou canst!—with prayers:
It is safe 'neath His sky's folding
Who the whole earth compasses,
Whether we watch more or less,
His wide eye all things beholding.

"Should He need a goodly tree
For the shelter of the nations,
He will make it grow: if not,
Never yet His love forgot
Human love, and faith, and patience.

"Leave thy treasure in His hand—
Cease all watching and all weeping:
Years hence, men its shade may crave,
And its mighty branches wave
Beautiful above thy sleeping."

If his hope, tear-sown, that child
Garnered after joyful reaping,
Know I not: yet unawares
Gleams this truth through many cares,
"It will grow while thou art sleeping."