Page:Poems Craik.djvu/209

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His will be done. O, gate of heaven,
Fairer than earthly door,
Receive me! Everlasting arms,
Enfold me evermore!

And so, farewell*****
What is this touch
Upon my closing eyes?
My name too, that I thought to hear
Next time in Paradise?
Warm arms—close lips—O, saved, saved, saved!
Across the deathly moor
Sought, found—and yonder through the night
Shineth the blessed door.

"Mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted."

THINK you, had we two lost fealty, something would not, as I sit
With this book upon my lap here, come and overshadow it?
Hide with spectral mists the pages, under each familiar leaf
Lurk, and clutch my hand that turns it with the icy clutch of grief?