Page:Poems Craik.djvu/238

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We two together shall dare look
Upon the years to come,
As travellers, met in far countrie,
Together look towards home.

Come home! The old tales were not false,
Yet the new faith is true;
Those saintly souls who made men knights
Were women such as you.

For the great love that teaches love
Deceived not, ne'er deceives:
And she who most believes in man
Makes him what she believes.

Come! If you come not, I can wait;
My faith, like life, is long;
My will—not little; my hope much:
The patient are the strong.

Yet come, ah come! The years run fast,
And hearths grow swiftly cold—
Hearts too: but while blood beats in mine
It holds you and will hold.

And so before you it lies bare,—
Take it or let it lie,
It is an honest heart; and yours
To all eternity.