Page:Poems Craik.djvu/277

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Gentle Lord Jesus, Thou wilt move through the room—
So empty—so desolate! and light up its gloom:
The lost piece of silver that no man can see,
Merciful Jesus! is beheld clear by Thee.

Defaced and degraded, trampled in the dust,
Its superscription Thou knowest still we trust:
And Thou wilt uplift it and make it re-shine,
For it was silver—pure silver of Thine.

Loving Lord Jesus, Thou wilt come through the dark,
When men are all sleeping and no eye can mark.
Though "clean forgotten, like a dead man out of mind,"
This lost piece of silver Thou wilt search for—and find.

OUT upon the unknown deep,
Where the unheard oceans sound,
Where the unseen islands sleep,—
Outward bound.
Following towards the silent west
O'er the horizon's curved rim,—