Page:Poems Craik.djvu/96

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See now, that radiant bow of pillared fires
Spanning the hills like dawn, until they lie
  In soft tranquillity,
And all night's ghastly glooms asunder roll.

Look, look again! the vision changes fast,
  Gloriously, gloriously:
That was heaven's gate with its illumined road,
But this is heaven; the very throne of God
Hung with flame curtains of celestial dye
  Waving perpetually,
While to and fro innumerous angels haste.

I see no more the stream, the boat that moves
  Mournfully, mournfully:
And we who sit, poor prisoners of clay:
It is not night, it is immortal day,
Where the One Presence fills eternity,
  And each, His servant high,
Forever praises and forever loves.

O soul, forget the weight that drags thee down
  Deathfully, deathfully:
Know thyself. As this glory wraps thee round,
Let it melt off' the chains that long have bound
Thy strength. Stand free before thy God and cry—
  "My Father, here am I:
Give to me as Thou wilt—first cross, then crown."