Page:Poems Crandall.djvu/14

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Pond Lillies
Frail as a new-born infant,
  Fresh from the depths they rise;
Up toward light and freedom,
  Up toward the sunny skies.

Bathed in the summer sunshine,
  Glistening in gold and white;
Pure and delicate lillies,
  Fairies dainty and bright.

Swept by the summer tempest,
  Frail, yet dauntless and brave;
Dashed with foam from the white caps,
  Gaily they dance on the wave.

Give us thy message, oh lillies,
  And may we read it aright;
This 1s the beautiful lesson,
  Ever to reach for the light.

This is the wonderful message,
  Freighted with wisdom great;
Meet with the same calm spirit,
  A kind or a frowning fate.

Fearlessly ride on the billow,
  Through cold adversity's gale;
Rooted in truth eternal
  Naught shall thy peace assaill.