Page:Poems Crandall.djvu/21

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Something New.
How eager and restless the little hands
  For something new to do.
They were tired of fishing, of keeping house
  And of all the games they knew.

When the brother espied behind the barn,
  A clump of unsightly weeds;
Crisp were the brown and sun-dried stalks,
  And ripe the crisp brown seeds.

"Oh, see!" he cried, "we can play it is corn,
  I'm the horse to draw it away,
Then we'll husk it all, and give the stalks
  To our cow in the place of hay."

No sooner said than the fun began,
  They stripped off the ripened seed;
And fed a most remarkable cow
  This most remarkable feed.

"And now," said the lass, "we'll play it is spring
  Our cow must to pasture go.
We will be men and work in the field,
  To day our corn we'll sow."

So back and forth across the yard
  Sped the small feet bare and browned;
Until the seed of the yellow dock
  Lay thick upon the ground.