Page:Poems Crandall.djvu/28

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Two Little Girls
Two little girls are swinging
Up in the tree top high;
Two little voices singing,
"Rockabye, baby, bye."

Wild as the woods around them,
Free as the birds of the air,
Not a thought of danger
Not a single care.

Nature's joyous children,
Slowly to and fro,
Sway with the slender tree top;
Softly the breezes blow,

Kissing the glowing faces;
Tossing the sunlit curls;
Hark! 'tis a father calling,
"Down from there, quick, you girls."

Two little girls are standing,
Arms extended wide,
Up and down they ride,

On a board well balanced
Top of the high rail fence.
Now, calls a frightened mother,
"Girls, you will break your necks."