Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/206

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calm after storm.

Calm after Storm.
The winds have wailed and whispered into silence,
The sea has sighed and sobbed itself to sleep;
The heavens have wept themselves to radiance
And now looking smiling down upon the deep;
The sunshine cheers, and our chilled hearts rewarm,
And we rejoice to see—calm after storm.

The angry waves that yesterday were adding
Their voices to the elemental roar,
To-day are pretty sparkling little wavelets,
That creep in shyly to the brown sea shore.
Strange, how a few short hours can so transform
The mighty deep, and bring—calm after storm.

But underneath its placid shining surface,
We know there's wrecks and forms of drowned men,
And that its passion is not spent, but sleeping,
Waiting the moment to awake again:
Alas! that strife should mar its lovely form,
And hearts should ache when there's—calm after storm.