Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/252

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mab's lesson.

Could it be true some children had
Not e'en a crust of bread?

She heard the hailstones pelting
'Gainst the window, as she lay,
And wished that Christmas Eve was o'er,
And it were Christmas Day;
And that her naughty little tongue
Had been less quick to say,

"I hate Old Santa Claus;" When lo,
Her window opened wide,
And Santa, laden with his toys,
Looked in, then sprang inside,
And with a very serious face
Strode up to Mab's bedside,

And said, "This is the little girl
Well housed, well fed, well shod,
Yet for her blessings never thinks
Of thanking the good God;
And hates Old Santa, too; well, all
She wants now is a rod."

Then taking one from out his bag
He gravely placed it in
Mab's stocking, while his jovial face
Wore a malicious grin,
And she lay hiding 'neath the clothes,
Trembling in her skin.