Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/79

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j. pennington.

In Memoriam
J. Pennington, Drowned December 13th, 1895.

Rage on, wild winds, rage on,
Ye have widow'd in your strife
Another loving wife,
Robbed fond parents of a son:
   Rage on, rage on.

Roll on, rough seas, roll on,
He does not hear your roar,
For he is safe ashore,
His journeyings all done:
   Roll on, roll on.

Weep on, sad heart, weep on,
Tears are given to shed
For the living and the dead,
So let the fountains run:
   Weep on, weep on.

Sleep on, brave heart, sleep on,
Thou hast no watch to keep,
Nothing to do but sleep
Until the night be gone:
   Sleep on, sleep on.

The friend whom we have lost,
Heard o'er the roaring gale
The Heavenly Pilot's "Hail!"
And died at duty's post.
   He is not lost.