Page:Poems Davidson.djvu/106

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When Israel's sons, from cruel bondage freed,
Fled to the land by righteous Heaven decreed;
Insulting Pharaoh quick pursued their train,
E'en to the borders of the troubled main.

Affrighted Israel stood alone dismayed,
The foe behind, the sea before them laid;
Around, the hosts of bloody Pharaoh fold,
And wave o'er wave the raging Red Sea rolled.

But God, who saves his chosen ones from harm,
Stretched to their aid his all-protecting arm,
And lo! on either side the sea divides,
And Israel's army in its bosom hides.

Safe to the shore through watery walls they march,
And once more hail kind Heaven's aerial arch;
Far, far behind, the cruel foe is seen,
And the dark waters roll their march between.

The God of vengeance stretched his arm again,
And heaving, back recoiled the foaming main;
And impious Pharaoh 'neath the raging wave,
With all his army, finds a watery grave.