Page:Poems Davidson.djvu/136

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Methought (unwitting how the place I gained)
I rested on a fleecy, floating cloud
Far o'er the earth, the stars, the sun, the heavens,
And slowly wheeled around the dread expanse!
Sudden, methought, a trumpet's voice was heard,
Pealing with long, loud, death-awakening note,
Such note as mortal man but once may hear!
At that heart-piercing summons, there arose
A crowd fast pouring from the troubled earth!
The earth, that blackened speck, alone seemed moved
By the dread note, which rushed,
Like pent-up whirlwinds, round Heaven's azure vault;
All other worlds, all other twinkling stars
Stood mute—stood motionless;
Their time had not yet come.
Yet, ever and anon, they seemed to bow
Before the dread tribunal;
And the fiery comet, as it blazed along,
Stopped in its midway course, as conscious of the power
Which onward ever, ever had impelled:
No other planet moved, none seemed convulsed,
Save the dim orb of earth!
Forth eddying rushed a crowd, confused and dark,
Like a volcano, muttering and subdued!
There came no sound distinct, but sighs and groans