Page:Poems Denver.djvu/127

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When life is bounding free,
That shadow follows in our steps,
And speaks reproachfully.

Have they no bottom to their depths,
Those eyes, those well-like eyes of thine?
I long to see an image there—
Perchance I may see mine.

So softly still, so deeply blue,
Like skies with starry gems inset,
Looking in troubled beauty down,
They gaze upon one yet.

I would, I would that I might trace
Some little passion in those eyes—
Might see one single imaged face
Upon their surface rise!

Like hieroglyphics, traced with care
On antique monumental stone,
I see a world of meaning there,
Yet can decipher none.

I've heard it said that eyes were made
The mirrors of the human soul;
But upon thine a spell is laid;
Thy heart hath learned control.