Page:Poems Denver.djvu/161

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Old tree! while thy leaves in the summer-winds play,
O! let thy wild spirit give answer to-day!
By the red lightning's flash I have gazed on thy form,
I have questioned thee oft, 'mid the rage of the storm.

I have heard the strong whirlwind roar hoarse thro' thy leaves,
Like a demon of ill, when the winter wind grieves;
Thou hast heaved like a billow preparing a grave
For the vessel careering before the wild wave.

O! bravely, old tree! has thy spirit withstood
The shock of the thunder, the rush of the flood;
Thou hast stood like a rock in the strong tempest's path,
Thou hast laughed unto scorn the fierce voice of his wrath.

Alone, O! alone, in thy strength and thy glory
Old tree of the forest! say, what is thy story?
Alone like a king, stern in pride, lion-hearted,
When his foes are all gone, and his people departed.