Page:Poems Denver.djvu/165

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Thou land of stars, of beauty, and of wonder—
Oh! may thy links be never rent asunder;
  May the lost Pleiad's fate be none of thine—
It cannot be, while heaven shineth o'er thee,
And one bright planet leads the way before thee,
  And whispers, "Thou art mine!"

Fair Freedom's voice! Thou, land of swelling waters,
And all thy starry train are her fair daughters—
  Sisters alike in beauty and in fame!
And though the elder be more famed in story,
The younger, too, wears a like wreath of glory,
  Blazoned with Freedom's name!

For all are hers, and she is whispering ever
To each fair child, "Thou art mine own forever,
  The choicest jewel in my diadem;
Thy names I write in the blue vault of heaven—
Nor shall the orbs that gem the brow of even
  Excel in splendor them.

"Thy sons are mine! in hours of doubt and danger,
Thou gavest thy noblest ones to the lone stranger,
  That spread her wild free wings beyond the sea;
And o'er the blue expanse of ocean springing,
Waved her proud flag amid glad voices ringing
  With shouts of 'Liberty!'