Page:Poems Denver.djvu/172

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We have not met in crowded hall,
Nor by the social hearth,
And yet perchance the self-same thoughts
Have bound us both to earth.
The glorious dreams of other years,
That dawn so oft in smiles, and set so oft in tears.

Thou'st watched at eve some kindling star,
And breathed no thought of me;
I've gazed upon the same bright orb,
And never dreamed of thee;
Our paths of life are separate far,
And yet our thoughts have met, and mingled round one star!

We know that noble hearts are here
And yet we meet them not,
'Tis ours and theirs alike to share
The Universal lot.
The sunbeams from our track will glide,
And bright forms that we love will perish from our side.

Each life hath its appointed end,
An end alike to all,
That steals upon us unawares
As bright leaves fade and fall;
And though no meeting here be given
Perchance we yet may see each other's face in heaven.