Page:Poems Denver.djvu/198

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Lady of Poland, wherefore art thou sad,
Why is thine eye so dim?
Will not thy bosom echo to the glad
Sound of our vesper-hymn?

"I heard it, and into my heart there stole
A thousand memories,
That brought sad recollections to my soul,
And tears into my eyes.

"The past arose, and pictured to my sight
A far-off land and fair,
Whose skies unto my heart seemed full of light,
And fragrant was the air.

"And then arose a home, a home of love,
Which once I called my own;
The peaceful stars a moment smiled above,
Then left me more alone.

"The flowers that bloomed there once, the birds that sung,
Had their brief happy day;
When on the winds my glad notes also rung,
But died in grief away.