Page:Poems Denver.djvu/218

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"If the music of earth is so sweet, what must be the music of heaven, where all the heavenly hosts unite their voices, ten thousand upon ten thousand."

Harlan Page.
From the lowly flower to the house of prayer,
The voice of music is everywhere;
Tis felt in the breast of the opening rose,
'Tis heard where the deep blue water flows,
In the breeze-struck tones of the leafy trees,
In the sounding waves of the mighty seas;
'Tis heard in the bower where the wild birds throng;—
The earth is filled with the voice of song.

It has made the cell like a forest-bower,
And the bed of death has felt its power;
The human voice hath bid it bless,
And the heart responds to its holiness.
When music speaks, even pride relents
At the sound of its voice-like instruments,
And passion is stilled as it floats along;—
O! the heart is full of the power of song!

O! if such music to earth be given,
How sweet to the soul must be that of heaven,