Page:Poems Denver.djvu/274

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Come they to tell us of the love
For us in Heaven's halls of light?
I would we all could meet above—
I would I were in heaven to-night!

For one is there, whose mild blue eye
My heart hath vainly yearned to see;
A dweller in that blessed sky,
Unknown to all but heaven and me;
For when the dark death-angel came,
He placed within my heart a sign
That, though he left me but a name,
The soul should mingle yet with mine.
And, by the promise given, I feel,
When flowers are wet and stars are bright,
As on the fragrant earth I kneel,
Thou surely art in heaven to-night.

I've heard it said, that in the still,
Hushed hour, when none but poets dream,
When all is slumbering but the will,
All silent save the forest-stream;
Then they, the dead, will from the fold
Of heaven's own gate in silence glide,
To those they love, and take their old
Accustomed places by their side.
If this be true, why should a tear
Dim now that exquisite delight
That thrills in thinking thou art here,
Close nestling by my side to-night?