Page:Poems Denver.djvu/276

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I know, if those expressive eyes
Their old imploring smiles retain,
My prayers will not unanswered rise,
Nor thy sweet pleadings be in vain.
Oh, dearly loved! if thou art here,
Teach me to study life aright;
Oh, early lost! if thou art near,
Go! plead for me in heaven to-night!

How long shall earth my spirit claim,
How long until I win the race,
How long till I can name thy name,
And greet thee gladly face to face?
I would not that the world should steal
From heaven and thee one single thought
And yet, I almost dread to feel
That thou wilt sometime be forgot.
Must many slow years by me creep,
Ere I shall heavenward take my flight?
Or shall I, falling soon asleep,
Wake up with thee in heaven to-night?

I feel a soft hand gently laid
With warning pressure on my heart,
Saying, all further question stayed,
My soul must act its destined part,
Must, calmly waiting, count the hours,
Bright heralds of eternal day;
And, gazing on the stars and flowers,
Strive to be innocent as they.