Page:Poems Denver.djvu/333

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Empty indeed! the past is passed forever;
I would not now its vanished hours recall,
For I should feel and see, at each endeavor,
The worthless vanity of each and all.
Childhood its day-dreams has of after glory,
Ne'er to be realized in Life's dull story.

The past is passed, the present has no pleasure
Or happiness, that I could revel in;
The future, it to me can bring no treasure,
No earthly treasure I would care to win.
For this, I thank Thee, Father! who hast given
Me confidence to look to Thee and heaven.

Thine was the hand that was stretched forth to save me
From sinking, when all other aid was past;
Thine was the promise of support, that gave me
Strength to bear up against each threatening blast.
Guide well my bark, as seemeth good to Thee,
Until the appointed summons comes for me!

Look down from heaven, O Holy One!
Look down from heaven above,
And change these many tides of life
Into one stream of love!