Page:Poems Denver.djvu/45

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"Dust, to thy earth return!
The temple thou didst form is desolate,
Its dweller hath departed! thou wast worn,
With sorrow, and no more couldst animate
The living soul within thee! she away
Hath sought a happier clime—there to remain
Until the great and resurrection day,
When the freed soul shall call for thee again!
      Earth, take again thy dust
                In trust;
Our present loss is her eternal gain.

"Soul! to the God who gave
Thee being without end! whom thou didst find
Long-suffering, strong and infinite to save
The tottering step, the broken heart to bind!
Thou hast returned—thou couldst no longer stay;
Thy mission is accomplished! thou hast thrown
Aside the shackles of thy living clay,
And thy Redeemer hath resumed His own!
      Soul, raise thy glad voice, raise
                In praise,
With all God's angels round the Eternal Throne!"