Page:Poems Denver.djvu/49

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No king conferring rank or shame, with vacillating breath
No stronger than mine own! then give me Liberty or Death!"

Then thrillingly to every cheek the crimson blood up-sprang,
And each one started to his feet as if a trumpet rang;
Firm is each lip, and fixed and bright the lustre of each eye,
And wildly throbs each beating heart, impetuous and high,
While murmurs rise around—at first, low as the breezes hum;
But gathering strength as they advance, like wild sea-waves they come,
Swelling into one mighty shout, given with unfaltering breath:
"We'll stand together—give to us, give Liberty or Death!"

Then fast and far, like hurrying winds across the tossing sea,
Abroad through all the land it went, that watchword of the free!
The preacher in his pulpit stood, in silence and alone,
There came upon his musing ear, a strange, a startling tone;