Page:Poems Denver.djvu/89

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They stand upon thy every shore, the armies of the north:
Pause not upon thy threshold-stones—a moment may be lost,
Let not a tear bedim your eyes—defence is needed most!
Dispute their passage inch by inch—each battles for a home—
Arm, Poland! down upon thy plains the royal robbers come!

The morning broke—the sun arose and looked upon the earth.
And saw the sight of bannered men, all armed and hurrying forth:
The bravest of the land were there—the prince and peasant all,
Went forth to win the battle-field—to win the field or fall!
They saw the foe on every side—they grasped the cup of life,
And drinking to the very dregs, rushed nobly to the strife!

The sun went down with closing eye, but the scene it looked on then,
Was the rushing on of battle-steeds—the strife of desperate men;
From morn till night they mixed in fight, and toiled, and bled, and died—