Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/123

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Side by side do the Nations sit
By ties of brotherhood closer knit;
Whispers float o'er the rolling deep;
Voices echo from steep to steep;
Nations speak, and the quick replies
Fill the earth and the vaulted skies
      For to-day
Time and distance are swept away.


      If strange thrills
Quicken Rome on her seven hills;
If afar on her sultry throne
India wails and makes her moan;
If the eagles of haughty France
Fall as the Prussian hosts advance,
All the continents, all the lands,
Feel the shock through their claspéd hands.
      And quick thrills
Stir the remotest vales and hills.


      Yet these eyes,
Dark on whose lids Death's shadow lies,
Let their far-reaching vision rest
Not alone on the mountain's crest;
Nor did these feet with stately tread
Follow alone where the Nations led;
Nor these pale hands, so weary-worn,
Minister but where States were born!—
      These clear eyes,
Soft on whose lips Death's slumber lies,