Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/151

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Tell us how, floating down,
Each with a martyr's crown,
They who had kept the faith,
Grandly defying death;
They who for conscience' sake
Felt their firm heartstrings break;
They who for truth and right
Unshrinking fought the fight;
They who through fire and flame
Passed on to deathless fame,
  Hastened to greet ye!
Tell how they welcomed ye,
Hailed and applauded ye,
Claimed ye as comrades true,
Brave as the world e'er knew;
Led your triumphant feet
Up to the highest seat,
Crowned ye with amaranth,
  Laurel and palm.


Alas, alas! They speak not!
The silence deep they break not!
Heaven keeps its martyred ones
Beyond or moon or suns;
And Valhalla keeps its braves,
Leaving to us their graves!
Then let these graves speak for them
As long as the wind sweeps o'er them!
As long as the sentinel ridges
Keep guard on either hand;
As long as the hills they fought for
Like silent watch-towers stand!