Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/173

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"What care I for gold or honors, or—my—father'scurse?" he said;
But the words died out in shudders, and his face grew like the dead.

Then she twined her white arms round him, and she murmured, sweet and low,
As the night wind breathing softly over banks where violets. blow:

"He who is accursed of father, he shall be accursed of God,'
Long ago said one who followed where the holy prophets trod.

"Kiss me once, then, O my Volmar! just once more, my Volmar, dear,
Even as you would kiss my white lips if I lay upon my bier!

"For a gulf as dark as death has opened wide 'twixt thee and me;
Neither thou nor I can cross it, and thy wife I may not be!"


Once again the bells of midnight chimed from St. Gudula's towers,
While St. Michael watched the city slumbering through the ghostly hours.

But no slumber came to Rena where she moaned in bitter pain,
For the anguish of that parting wrought its work on heart and brain.