Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/384

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"Nay, tempt me not," he answered,
"This only do I know,
That I must sail due eastward
Whatever winds may blow!"

Then sailed we on, and sailed we east
Into the whirlwind's track.
Wild was the tempest overhead,
The sea was strewn with wrack.

"Oh, turn thee, turn thee, captain,
Thou'rt rushing on to death!"
But back he answer shouted,
With unabated breath:

"Turn back who will, I turn not!
For this one thing I know,
That I must sail due eastward
However winds may blow!"

"Oh, art thou fool or madman?
Thy port is but a dream,
And never on the horizon's rim
Will its fair turrets gleam."

Then smiled the captain wisely,
And slowly answered he,
The while his keen glance widened
Over the lonely sea:

I carry sealéd orders.
This only thing I know,
That I must sail due eastward
Whatever winds may blow!"