Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/387

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Yea, Lord!—Yet some must serve.
Not all with tranquil heart,
Even at thy dear feet,
Wrapped in devotion sweet,
May sit apart!

Yea, Lord!—Yet some must bear
The burden of the day,
Its labor and its heat,
While others at thy feet
May muse and pray!

Yea, Lord!—Yet some must do
Life's daily task-work; some
Who fain would sing, must toil
Amid earth's dust and moil,
While lips are dumb!

Yea, Lord!—Yet man must earn,
And woman bake the bread!
And some must watch and wake
Early, for others' sake,
Who pray instead!

Yea, Lord!—Yet even thou
Hast need of earthly care.
I bring the bread and wine
To thee, O Guest Divine!
Be this my prayer!