Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/428

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Didst thou know Messiah
The gates of hell had broken,
And life unto its captives
Once for all had spoken?

O! through all the ages,
Every son of man,
Be he slave or monarch,
Born to bliss or ban—

Lord, or prince, or peasant,
Jester, sage, or seer,
Wife, or child, or mother,
Priest, or worshipper—

Through the grave's lone portals
Soon or late had passed,
But no sign or token
Back to earth had cast!

In Ramah was a voice heard
Sounding through the years—
Rachel for her children
Pouring sighs and tears;

Rizpah for her slain sons
Woful vigils keeping;
David for young Absalom
In the chamber weeping!

All earth's myriad millions
To their dead had cried,
Empty arms outreaching
In the silence wide,