Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/436

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"There's never a home so low, no doubt,
But I in my flight can find it out;
Nor a hut so hidden but I can see
The shadow cast by the lone roof-tree!
There's never a home so proud and high
That I am constrained to pass it by,
Nor a heart so happy it may not be
Happier still when blessed by me!

"What is my name? Ah, who can tell,
Though in every land 'tis a magic spell!
Men call me that, and they call me this;
Yet the different names are the same, I wis!
Gift-bearer to all the world am I,
Joy-giver, Light-bringer, where'er I fly;
But the name I bear in the courts above,
My truest and holiest name, is—LOVE!"