Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/445

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Bird, by her garden gate
Singing thy happy song,
Round thee the listening leaves
Joyously throng.
Tell them that yesternight
Under the stars so bright,
I wooed and won her!

Red rose, rejoice with me!
Swing all thy censers low,
Bid each fair bud of thine
Hasten to blow.
Lift every glowing cup
Brimming with sweetness up,
For—I have won her!

Wind, bear the tidings far,
Far over hill and dale;
Let every breeze that blows
Swell the glad tale.
River, go tell the sea,
Boundless and glad and free,
That I have won her!

Stars, ye who saw the blush
Steal o'er her lovely face,
When first her tender lips