Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/483

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Other cities for crown and king
Wide their glorious banners fling,
Lifting high on the azure field
Blazoned trophies of sword and shield,
  That pierce the far skies, Nuremberg!

But thou, O city of old renown,
Thou dost painter and sculptor crown;
Thou dost give to the poet bays,
Immortelles for the deathless lays
  Chanted for thee, fair Nuremberg!

They are thy Lords of High Degree,
Marvels of art who wrought for thee,
Toiling on with tireless will
Till the wondrous hands in death were still.
  Being dead, they yet speak, Nuremberg!

They were dust and ashes long ago;
Over their graves the sweet winds blow;
Yet they are alive whom men call dead—
This is thy spell, when all is said;
  This is thy glory, Nuremberg!