Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/76

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    Once I said,
Seeing two soft, starry eyes
Darkly bright as midnight skies,—
Eyes prophetic of the power
Sure to be thy woman's dower,
When the years should crown thee queen
Of the realm as yet unseen,—
"Some time, sweet, those eyes shall make
Lovers mad for their sweet sake!"


    Once I said,
Seeing tresses, golden-brown,
In a bright shower falling down
Over neck and bosom white
As an angel's clad in light—
Odorous tresses drooping low
O'er a forehead pure as snow,—
"Some time, sweet, in thy soft hair
Love shall set a shining snare!"


    Once I said,
Seeing lips whose crimson hue
Mocked the roses wet with dew,—