Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/88

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How beautiful was earth that day!
The far blue sky had not a cloud;
The river rippled on its way,
   Singing sweet songs aloud.

The delicate beauty of the spring
Pervaded all the murmuring air;
It touched with grace the meanest thing
   And made it very fair.

The blithe birds darted to and fro,
The bees were humming round the hive,
So happy in that radiant glow!
   So glad to be alive!

And I? My heart was calmly blest.
I knew afar the war-cloud rolled
Lurid and dark, in fierce unrest,
   Laden with woes untold.

But on that day my fears were stilled;
The very air I breathed was joy;
The rest and peace my soul that filled
   Had nothing of alloy.