Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/24

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life's reverses.
Mair like ghaists than aucht leevin', when nicht was far gane,
They reached their ain dwellin', but comfort broucht nane.
Oh'! the age o' distress to the hungry an' cauld
That lay in that ae nicht, nae words could unfauld—
Nae escape frae starvation, save ane—oh! the grief!—
To-morrow the workhouse micht yield them relief.
They saucht their hard pallet to think an' to weep,
But ilk e'e was saft closed by the angel o sleep,
Wha 'twixt them an' misery spread out his braid wings,
An' hid frae their vision a' sorrowfu' things.
Licht an' lang be your slumbers, ye weary and worn,
For the dark hour aboon ye 's the ane nighest morn.


Part Second.

Through the snaw-darkened window the cauld lich o day:
Keekit ben, whare ilk face met its glance wi' dismay.
They had 'rose frae the slumber the famishin' ken
Tae anither new day, but what joy could it len'?