Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/95

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doleful breezes.
Doleful Breezes.
Doleful breezes, fain would I
Catch those voices flitting by,
Wailings fading to a sigh.

Bear ye on your wandering wings,
Weary hearts, sad utterings?
Fraught ye seem with mournful things.

With each gust that sweeps the wood,
Sounds like anguish sobs subdued,
On the lips of widowhood.

In wild snatches float around,
With the sere leaf's rustling sound,
Wherefore do these tones abound?

On this bough, where leaves but one
To the withering spray clings on,
Like the heart to hopes nigh gone,

Hangs my lyre, with cypress twined,—
To your touch, oh! wavering wind,
Is each trembling chord resigned.

They shall vibrate to your sighs,
As they mournful fall and rise,
And in song breathe your replies.