Page:Poems E. L. F.djvu/145

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loch long.

Oh! who could gaze on such a scene,
Nor feel the power of Nature's sheen,
Concentrating whole years of bliss
In one deep moment passed like ¢/his?
Loch Long in tranquil beauty lay,
And calm each deep indented bay,
And rocky fragments wildly threw
Their rude grey shadows o'er the deep,
As if the darkness of each hue
Could 1ull that water's life to sleep.
And giant mountains towering high—
Earth-born dwellers of the sky—
In silent majesty looked down,
While moonbeams kissed away each frown,
Until they seemed in gladness there
The treasured monarchs of the air.
And gushing streams, in frantic play,
Came leaping o'er that rocky bay,
Gleaming beneath the moonlight pale,
Like waking spirits of the vale,
Until they reached that living deep,
And found a home in Nature's keep.