Page:Poems E. L. F.djvu/154

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the deserted cottage.

Yet aged trees grew near the spot,
And bushes lived along the plain,
And wild-flowers bloomed in beauty there;
They never felt the blighting air
Of misery's all-subduing pain.

It was a bright and sunny morn
When first I gazed upon that scene;
Oh, what sad thoughts came o'er me sweeping!
The dew upon the grass seemed weeping
In sympathy with what had been.

In brighter days it must have been
A dear delightful spot on earth,
Where peace and joy together dwelt,
And kind affection that had felt
Its all intrinsic worth.

And many a joyous heart hath beat,
And smiles have lived in sunshine there,
As if each hour that passed away
Were one enduring summer day,
And earth had nought of care.