Page:Poems E. L. F.djvu/73

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oh, I would be alone!

And bring the heart, with many a tear,
The treasured tones i1t loved to hear—
The gentle smile, that seemed to be
A respite from earth's misery.
Oh, crushing thought! that we live on,
While those who made life blest are gone,
And <e are left alone, to brave
The world's cold mockery to the grave.
Oh! I would be alone
In the dark hour, when pent-up grief
Gives to the heart its own relief;
When the deep tears' unheeding flow
Tells of the heart's unmeasured woe,
And passions play around the soul,
All heedless of the past control—
When all is hushed, and none to tell
That burning bosom's rising swell.
Oh! I would be alone
In the bright, blissful summer's day,
When all around is light and gay,
And the dreamy spell of the sunny hour
Will smile o'er bird, and tree, and flower;