Page:Poems Eaton.djvu/64

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My Soldier-Son.
O, loved of many hearts, awake!
Our longing souls thy presence crave,
Shake off thy death-cold sleep, and break
The bands and silence of the grave.
Come with the sunlight—wert thou here,
Sunshine would reign throughout our home—
Come with the smiling spring to cheer
The hearts that wait thee, loved one, come.

O for one life-glance from those eyes,
Oh for one tone of that dear voice,
To quell the murmuring thoughts that rise,
And bid our chastened hearts rejoice—
How can we longer yield thee up
To the dark keeping of the grave?
How can we drink the bitter cup,
So deeply filled with sorrow's wave?

Is love's entreaty slow to break
The chilling silence of thy rest?
O, for the eloquence to wake
The patriot fire within thy breast.
Thou, who didst lay on country's shrine
Thy dearest hopes, thy life, thy all,
The true and manly heart like thine
Heard not unmoved, that country's call.