Page:Poems Eaton.djvu/67

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When my Boy comes back.
WHEN my boy comes back to me,
O! when my boy conies back to me—
This is the burden of the song,
Whose echoes float my life along;
The language of the cherished hope,
Which bears my weary spirit up,
Through lonely days of sadness deep,
And nights unblessed by peaceful sleep.
As sweetest scents from crushed flowers rise,
As stars gleam out from dark'ning skies,
As rainbow through fast falling shower
Gives promise of preserving power,
So through the midnight cloud of war
Shines forth this brightly beaming star;
So o'er the battle's roar steals up
This sweetest song of deathless hope;
And yielding to its witching strain
My heart beats high with joy again,
And pictures of sure-coming bliss
Fill up my world with happiness;
Sweet prophecies of what shall be
When my boy comes back to me.

  1. Chase Hall Eaton, of the Second Vermont Volunteers.