Page:Poems Eckley.djvu/19

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Memory's Rosary.
Long I lingered, till the Avé
Roused me with a silver bell,
And a white-robed spirit led me
From the door where closed the spell.

And the Spirit led me onward,
Softly whispering, "Thou shalt pass—
Baby feet have been before thee,
Footprints lost in dewy grass"—

To a garden rich in glory,
Flowers whose immortal breath
Almost choked these mortal senses,
For they breathed no dirge of death.

Softly said the angel to me,
"Count these flowers, now, and see,
Which best tell thy life-long blessings,
They, or Memory's Rosary.

"Look adown life's changeful pathway,
See the flowers round thee sown,
They are human loves and friendships,
God has given thee for thine own.