Page:Poems Eckley.djvu/197

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The Alps Cathedral.
Then go to this grand church with me,
Not in the vale below,
But upward on those icy peaks,
Where angels come and go.

A vast Cathedral! sunlit walls
Of amethystine glow,
Of emerald green, of ruby blush,
With polished floor of snow.

See the long aisles, the glittering nave,
The choir of glacier blue,
Hear the "Amen" from ceaseless rills,
In solemn cadence flow.

And the deep diapason of
The thund'ring torrent's swell,
The organ of these awful heights,
The avalanche's peal!

Then mark the niches, where enshrined
Are statues cut in snow;
No! no! they're angels! look again,
See how they come and go.