Page:Poems Eckley.djvu/55

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The Arab's Grave.
But gently bear upon your wings,
Songs from the Spirit-land.
      Sing mournful, mournfully.

Sigh mournfully, ye south-winds, sigh—
From unknown islands bear
Strange perfumes, and the roses' breath,
From Persia's gardens fair;
In cloud-wreaths may the incense float
In fitful gale and gust,
To consecrate the Arab's grave,—
And o'er the Arab's dust,
      Sigh mournful, mournfully.

Guard steadfastly, guard jealously,
Ye granite rocks that stand
Like sentries on this desert waste,
An ancient giant band;
Keep off the rude invader, give
Protection to each grave,
Where sleep beneath the glitt'ring sands,
The Mussulman and slave.
      Guard steadfast, steadfastly.